DILF France French Exam

DILF – Diplôme Initial de Langue Française

DILF is a diploma of French as a foreign language. DILF is issued by the French Ministry of Education. DILF assesses the primary knowledge of the French language. DILF validates a first level of mastering in French. DILF corresponds to level A1.1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Therefore DILF is an initial step toward DELF and DALF.

DILF examination is based on level A1.1 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Description of DILF examination Pattern / Format

​​Type of tests: DILF
  • Duration
  • ​​Mark out of
Listening comprehension
  • understanding a public announcement
  • understanding a simple message
  • understanding simple instructions
  • understanding numerical information, understanding the time

​25 minutes / 35

Reading comprehension
  • understanding signs
  • understanding simple instructions
  • understanding simple information
  • understanding numerical information
  • recognizing the type and function of simple texts

​25 minutes ​/ 15

  • Spoken production
  • Interview with the panel​
Expression activities:

– asking for and giving a price
– introducing people or describing places
– expressing a need or making an appointment
– indicating the nature of a health problem

​10 minutes​/ 35

Written production
  • copying down an address, a telephone number
  • writing down a number, a price, a date
  • filling in a form
  • leaving a simple message

15 minutes ​​/ 15

​​The total length of group tests: 1 hour 15 minutes

* Total mark out of 100
* Overall pass mark of the DILF: 50 / 100
* Minimum mark required for oral tests: 35 / 70